Sunday, August 11, 2024

Zucchini Fritters

When the backyard garden creates an abundance, it can be challenging to know what to do with all the produce. This summer, my zucchini plants have been producing monster zucchini. After giving one of these monster zucchini to a neighbor, she shared that she used it to make zucchini fritters. Similar to potato pancakes, these fritters use shredded zucchini, eggs, and flour to make a tasty treat. Recently, I made these zucchini fritters for a Buckley family get together for Mom's 81st birthday. The fritters were a hit. I thought I had made too many, but there were just a few left over. 

The basic recipe can be seasoned however you want. I just used ground pepper. But I think cinnamon or nutmeg would be delicious too. In preparing the zucchini, after shredding it, you may need to drain it to remove some excess water. As I was shredding the zucchini, I placed it in a colander, sprinkled it with salt, and used a paper towel to squeeze out extra moisture. The recipe below can be easily adjusted based on the amount of shredded zucchini that you have. When I made these, I made smaller fritters; you could make them any size you want.

Zucchini Fritters 

  • 4 cups shredded zucchini
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 1 tsp. ground black pepper
  • oil for pan frying
Shred the zucchini and drain out excess water by sprinkling it with salt and squeezing out water. In a large bowl, mix shredded zucchini, eggs, flour, and pepper. Add a small amount of oil to a heavy bottom skillet. Heat the skillet on medium heat. Drop the zucchini mixture by large spoonful and slightly flatten and shape the fritter. Saute for three to five minutes per side. Allow to cool. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I make zucchini bread, zucchini grilled cheese and the zucchini/summer squash pizza all from Smitten Kitchen. Admittedly, my family just likes the zucchini bread but I enjoy all these preparations of zucchini. I will also share that my mom told me once "shred an extra zucchini and put it in the freezer so you can throw it away next year when you have too much zucchini again." Hahahahah!
